
Showing posts with the label Mission

We are Witnesses!

At the start of the Book of Acts, Jesus predicts that his disciples will be “baptized in the Holy Spirit not many days hence,” and they will “receive…

With Boldness

After healing a lame man, Peter and John were confronted by the priestly authorities. They were disturbed because the Apostles were “proclaiming the …

To the Ends of the Earth

After his resurrection, Jesus declared: “All authority in heaven and on earth is given to me, therefore, go and make disciples of all nations!” He th…

As Many as He Calls

After completing his sermon, Peter summoned his audience to repent and be baptized “in the name of Jesus Christ.” However, something more than just a…

The Final Harvest

The description of the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost stresses the theme of fulfillment. On that day, the fulfillment of what was foreshadowed…

Message and Mission

The Gospel proclaimed by Jesus is NOT about reforming society or fixing governments. His message summons all men and women to repent and join an enti…

The Mission

Jesus charged his followers to announce the same message to every nation that he preached, which he summarized as the “Good News of the Kingdom of Go…

Spirit and Mission

In the Second Psalm, the Messiah is identified as the Son of God and the ideal king who is anointed by Yahweh to rule over the nations, the one to wh…