
Showing posts with the label Creation

The Life-Giving Spirit

Jesus declared, “The Spirit makes alive. The flesh profits nothing. The words which I have spoken to you, they are spirit, and they are life.” His st…

Time of Fulfillment

God foresaw the sins and downfall of Israel, therefore, He determined from the beginning to institute a New Covenant energized and characterized by H…

My Words are Life

The Spirit makes alive. The flesh profits nothing. The words which I have spoken to you, they are spirit, and they are life.” This declaration by Je…

Spirit and Life

The Gospel of John identifies Jesus as the Logos, the “Word” through which God made the Universe. This theme is prominent in the Gospel of John. It b…

Resurrection and New Creation

According to Paul, there is “now no condemnation” for anyone who is “in Christ Jesus.” This happy condition exists because the “law of the Spirit of …

Spirit and Resurrection

The Gift of the Spirit is the ‘first fruits’ of the bodily resurrection and a foretaste of the promised New Creation. The Apostle Paul presents Abrah…