
Showing posts with the label Resurrection

Earnest of the Inheritance

Israel’s possession of Canaan was an earlier stage in God’s redemptive plan, which always envisioned something larger than Israel or a small plot of …

We are Witnesses!

At the start of the Book of Acts, Jesus predicts that his disciples will be “baptized in the Holy Spirit not many days hence,” and they will “receive…

With Boldness

After healing a lame man, Peter and John were confronted by the priestly authorities. They were disturbed because the Apostles were “proclaiming the …

Resurrection and Salvation

The biblical faith is forward-looking and foundational to our salvation is the resurrection of the dead. That event will coincide with the arrival of…

Resurrection and New Creation

According to Paul, there is “now no condemnation” for anyone who is “in Christ Jesus.” This happy condition exists because the “law of the Spirit of …

Life through His Spirit

In his Letter to the Romans, Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the Gospel. His purpose was to deal with conflicts between Gentile and Je…

God's Good News

In Romans, Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the “Good News of God,” a message centered on His Son, Jesus Christ. He was dealing with co…

Spirit and Resurrection

The Apostle Paul presents Abraham as the great exemplar of faith. God counted his faith as “righteousness” when he was yet uncircumcised, and that me…

Joint Heirs of the Resurrection

The biblical faith is forward-looking and integral to its doctrine of salvation is the future resurrection of the dead. And that event will also mark…

Spirit and Inheritance

The history of Israel includes national sins that resulted in her expulsion from the Promised Land. However, God foresaw her failures and determined …