
Yahweh Saves

In the first chapter of Matthew, an angel informed Joseph that the child carried by Mary was “begotten of the Holy Spirit,” and he instructed him to …

Ignoring Scripture

The public exposure of gross sin among church leaders is all too common, and often church members discover later that their more egregious faults beg…

Spirit and Life

The Gospel of John identifies Jesus as the Logos, the “Word” through which God made the Universe. This theme is prominent in the Gospel of John. It b…

Resurrection and New Creation

According to Paul, there is “now no condemnation” for anyone who is “in Christ Jesus.” This happy condition exists because the “law of the Spirit of …

Life through His Spirit

In his Letter to the Romans, Paul presents his most detailed explanation of the Gospel. His purpose was to deal with conflicts between Gentile and Je…

Bethel, House of God

The Gospel of John presents Jesus as the True House of God and the open way of access to the presence of God. He is the Greater and True Bethel, the …

Where God Dwells

Apart from the contacts between Jesus and the early church with the priestly authorities from the Temple, the New Testament shows minimal interest in…

He Baptizes in Spirit

All four gospel accounts apply the passage in the Book of Isaiah to John the Baptist, the messenger who called men to repent “for the remission of si…