
As many as He Calls

Peter summoned his audience in Jerusalem to repent and be baptized “in the name of Jesus Christ.” He concluded his sermon on a note of fulfillment an…

Distributions of the Spirit

The first literary section of the Letter to the Hebrews concludes with an exhortation to hold fast to the apostolic tradition, and an ominous warning…

Greater Tabernacle

The Gospel of John presents Jesus as the place where the glory of God is seen, the Greater and Final Tabernacle in which His presence resides. With t…

Pentecost - Outcome

The end of the second chapter of Acts summarizes the results of the Spirit’s outpouring by describing the basic practices of the young and now Spirit…

In Jerusalem

The Book of Acts begins IN JERUSALEM with the Ascension of Jesus and the outpouring of the Spirit. It concludes with Paul preaching the Gospel in the…

A Female Apostle?

Proponents of appointing women as apostles in the church cite Paul’s reference to someone named “Junia” in his letter to the churches of Rome as evid…

Spirit and Inheritance

The history of Israel includes national sins that resulted in her expulsion from the Promised Land. However, God foresaw her failures and determined …

The Final Harvest

The description of the outpouring of the Spirit on Pentecost stresses the theme of fulfillment. On that day, the fulfillment of what was foreshadowed…