
Promise of the Spirit

The Apostle Paul referred to the “Promise of the Spirit” which he equated with the “Blessing of Abraham.” Jesus subjected himself to the “curse” of t…

Spirit and Resurrection

The Apostle Paul presents Abraham as the great exemplar of faith. God counted his faith as “righteousness” when he was uncircumcised. Thus, He justif…

In Spirit and Fire

John proclaimed a baptism in water “for the remission of sins,” and he announced the arrival of the “Coming One.” He was sent as the Forerunner of th…

Son and Spirit

When an angel informed Joseph that the child carried by Mary was “conceived of the Holy Spirit,” it indicated that something more than just a miracul…

The Anointed Servant

In the Gospel of Mark, Jesus first appears when he is baptized by John the Baptist. He is identified with his hometown of Nazareth, a village of no c…

Evidence of the Spirit

In the assemblies of Galatia, “false brethren” preached “another gospel,” one that pressured Gentile believers to adopt circumcision and conform to o…

As many as He Calls

Peter summoned his audience in Jerusalem to repent and be baptized “in the name of Jesus Christ.” He concluded his sermon on a note of fulfillment an…

Distributions of the Spirit

The first literary section of the Letter to the Hebrews concludes with an exhortation to hold fast to the apostolic tradition, and an ominous warning…